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a large metal cylinder

Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers

Let us look at your process and design a solution that meets your needs.

  • We build all TEMA types of shell & tube heat exchangers
  • From 3/8" diameter to 2" diameter tubes
  • Straight tube, U-tube and floating head designs
  • Bare-tube, low-fin, high-fin, extended surface and cyclonic spiral tubing available
  • Single-pass and multi-pass
  • Bonnet or channel design
  • Removable and fixed-bundle designs available
  • Certifications include API, ASME Section VIII Div I, TEMA B,C & R, PED
  • We can design and build shell & tube heat exchangers to meet any customer's process need and application (Carbon Steel. Stainless Steel, Hastelloy, Admiralty Brass and Titanium)
  • High-pressure applications - up to 3,000 PSI
  • High-temperature applications - up to 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit (SS to 1,200F, CS to 700F)